During the tile making process, neighbors shared many stories about their lives living in Southern Oaks. Neighbors often visualized these stories by carving symbols into their tiles that represented themselves, a time in their lives , or a memorial about a loved one. These stories have become a visual codex carved into the side of the wall. As a way to preserve these moments, we were able to capture a few of these tales in neighbor's own words below.

During the tile making process, neighbors shared many stories about their lives living in Southern Oaks. Neighbors often visualized these stories by carving symbols into their tiles that represented themselves, a time in their lives , or a memorial about a loved one. These stories have become a visual codex carved into the side of the wall. As a way to preserve these moments, we were able to capture a few of these tales in neighbor's own words below.

Sharing Our Stories:

If you look close, you'll find hidden messages...